Piano Secrets Volume 3 by Kyong Lee

Here is an “origin” story of why I have a music school. This was a project for one of my marketing challenge program. Enjoy!

“I hate piano” I said one day when I was only 9 years old. It was a nice day and I had to go to another painfully boring piano lesson. “I can go visit my friend instead near the piano school” I had the perfect “crime” planned. I had the best play date of my life and returned home. My mom asked “ how was piano?” and I said “It was great!” and got away from her as fast as I can.

The next day was the problem. The teacher called our house to ask if I had been sick. I was horrified. My mom was furious and pulled me out of piano lessons. It was a sad day for me because I actually really liked piano but not the boring stuff I was forced to play but the beautiful pieces the older students at the piano school I was hearing through their doors. Anyway, my piano career was over for now.

I got back on track with piano lessons in High School when my choir teacher really supported me to continue piano and helped me get into college for music.

My first college professor was not very friendly or supportive. When I was waiting outside the door of his teaching room, I felt like I was waiting to go into the dentist office. In fact, going to the dentist would have been a hundred times nicer. This man was about the extract all of my hopes and dreams as a pianist. He made me feel worthless and like the biggest loser. I thought I should quit piano immediately. Well, after a year and a half of this torture, I decided to change professors and eventually settled with the most wonderful mentor I could ever ask for.

Looking back, I had about 10 different teachers between age 5 and 25.

I had some amazing teachers and some not so amazing teachers… Every one of them was absolutely unique.

I can’t help thinking “How damaging can a piano teacher be to a student?” and “Do piano lessons have to be so boring?”; “How can we improve communication with students and parents?” ; “Can we make sure no child would have to go through this kind of abusive situations?” ; “How can we make sure piano lessons don’t bore the students to tears?”.

I have a strong belief that music lessons should be fun and nurturing. There are no regulations for teaching music privately. Literally, anyone can teach music lessons in your area and there are a lot of unqualified teachers out there. There is no way to know if the teacher is a good fit before you begin the lessons.

This is the reason I decided to open our own music school in 1999. I personally oversee hiring and training the professionals with desired level of expertise and personalities ideal for young children and adults. Our teachers have the musical training to teach lessons while nurturing, encouraging, and making sure the students are having fun while they learn. Our music school is committed to making your music lesson experience rewarding and life-changing. Our mission is to provide our students the best teachers, the best environment, and the best musical experience they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Music lessons have been proven to help everyone with cognitive as well as emotional development in people just like you and your children. Developing music skills also help problem-solving, building self-confidence, social skills, reading, math, goal-setting, self-discipline, following through, public performance to name a few.

Starting the children early is a wonderful decision you can make, however, any age is a great age to start music lessons TODAY!

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